Browse our list of top-rated TeamSpeak Servers, updated every 30 minutes. See server details, latency, and player count to find the perfect server for your next session!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can read the details in this guide.
Currently we are scanning servers from the following countries: Germany, Austria, Swizerland, Russia, Turkey, France and United Kingdom. You can read the details in this guide.
Yes absolutely you can opt out and prevent your Server from being listed. You can read the details in this guide.
Votes can be cast by anyone, without requiring an account or login, for convenience. Each vote is counted, and servers are ranked based on the total number of votes. The more votes a server receives, the higher it will rank. Users can vote for a server once every 24 hours. All votes are reset at the start of each month. All votes are reset at the start of each month. Server administrators can use the API to retrieve server and voting details. A reward system using payloads will soon be available to incentivize users.
What factors affect your rank? - Online user count. - encourage your users to vote for your server. - Features improve the rank. - Server banner and description. - Server uptime and performance. - Claim your server.
You can contact our support team through the contact page.